Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fruit Loop - Crazy fruits of Colombia

Fruit in Colombia: Tomate de Arbol, Pitahaya, Lulo, Granadilla, Maracuya, Curuba, Feijoa
One of my favorite things to eats is fruit. Since I was a kid, I've loved fruit. Strawberry, watermelon, nectarines and citrus being among some of my favorites. Occasionally in California we get to see some tropical fruits like dragon fruit or plantains. But on my recent trip to Colombia, I was thrown for a loop. I encountered fruits I've never seen or imagined. At one breakfast, I found myself asking, "How do I eat this?".

Buying fresh fruit at the market in the plaza
Most of all thought the strange textures, bright flavors and exotic looks of the fruits of Colombia inspired me. Fruit is widely available on street corners at small stands throughout Colombia in cities and small villages. It's common to buy fruit on the streets from a cart or a freshly squeezed orange juice. Better yet, a freshly made juice from Lulo or Zapote will really make your mouth happy. Fresh fruit juice on the streets of Colombia became one of my favorite indulgences. Though everyone says to avoid fruit and juice on the streets, I ingested both daily without any problems. Just be wise and trusting of the person you buy from. If you're buying juice make sure it is made with bottled water or milk. Bagged water or milk is okay too... It sounds strange to us, but the often use bagged water. It helps cut down on cost and waste.
Fruit sold on the streets of Barranquilla

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